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Satoko Kato


  1. 加藤聡子、義永美央子(著)(2024)『学習意識改革ノート―外国語を自律的に学ぶための3ヶ月プログラム』大阪大学出版会

  2. 加藤 聡子,ジョー・マイナード(著)、義永美央子、加藤聡子(監訳)(2022)『リフレクティブ・ダイアローグ 学習者オートノミーを育む言語学習アドバイジング』大阪大学出版会

  3. Kato, S. (2022). Establishing High-Quality Relationships Through a Mentoring Programm. In J. Mynard, & S. J. Shelton-Strong (Eds.), Autonomy support beyond the language learning classroom: A self-determination theory perspective (Chapter 9). Multilingual Matters.

  4. Mynard, J., & Kato, S. (2022). Enhancing language learning beyond the classroom through advising In H. Reinders, C. Lai, & P. Sundqvist (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom. Routledge. 

  5. 加藤聡子、山下尚子(著)、関屋康、ジョー・マイナード(監)(2021) 『英語教師のための自律学習者育成ガイドブック』神田外語大学出版局

  6. 加藤聡子、山下尚子(著)、関屋康、ジョー・マイナード(監)(2012-2014) 『英語学習手帳』神田外語大学出版局


  1. Mynard, J., Kato, S., & Shelton-Strong, S. J. (2023). Learner and advisor perceptions of online advising during a pandemic. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 14(1), 45–66.

  2. Kato, S. (2023). Reflecting through dialogue. In N. Curry, P. Lyon, & J. Mynard (Eds.), Promoting reflection on language learning (pp. xx-xx). Multilingual Matters.

  3. Mitchell, C., Grimaldi, A., & Kato, S. (2022). Application of coaching and mentoring strategies to improve well-being of colleagues and students in education. PanSIG Journal 2021, 44-51.

  4. Kato, S. (2022). Establishing high-quality relationships through a mentoring program. In J. Mynard & S. J. Shelton-Strong (Eds.), Autonomy support beyond the language learning classroom: A self-determination theory perspective (Chapter 9). Multilingual Matters.

  5. Mynard, J., & Kato, S. (2022). Enhancing language learning beyond the classroom through advising. In H. Reinders, C. Lai, & P. Sundqvist (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language learning and teaching beyond the classroom . Routledge.

  6. Kato, S. (2022). The First step to focusing on your well-being: Is “self-sacrifice” part of being a teacher? Mind, Brain Education Think Tanks+, June 2022.

  7. Mynard, J. Ambinintsoa, D. V., Bennett, P. A., Castro, E., Curry, N., Davies, H., Imamura, Y., Kato, S., Shelton-Strong, S. J., Stevenson, R., Ubukata, H., Watkins, S., Wongsarnpigoon, I., & Yarwood, A.  (2022). Reframing self-access: Reviewing the literature and updating a mission statement for a new era. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 13(1), 31–59.

  8. Kato, S. (2019). A relational mentoring program for language learning advisors: The effects of life story interviews, collaborative reflection, and reverse-mentoring (Doctoral dissertation). Hiroshima University. 

  9. Mynard, J., Kato, S., & Yamamoto, K. (2018). Reflective practice in advising: Introduction to the column. Relay Journal, 1(1), 55-64.

  10. Kato, S. (2018). Promoting mutual learning in reverse-mentoring: Professional development for experienced educators. OnCue Journal, 11(1), 68-80.

  11. Kato, S. (2017). Effects of drawing and sharing a 'picture of life' in the first session of a mentoring program for experienced learning advisors. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 8(3), 274-290.

  12. Kato, S., & Mynard, J. (2016). Reflective dialogue: Advising in language learning. Routledge.

  13. Kato, S., & Yamashita, H. (2014). In Y. Sekiya (Ed.), The English learning planner 2015 (Eigo gakushū techō). Kanda University of International Studies Press.

  14. Kato, S., & Yamashita, H. (2013). In Y. Sekiya (Ed.), The English learning planner 2014 (Eigo gakushū techō). Kanda University of International Studies Press.

  15. Kato, S. (2012). Professional development for learning advisors: Facilitating the intentional reflective dialogue. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 3(1), 74-92.

  16. Yamaguchi, A., Hasegawa, Y., Kato, S., Lammons, E., McCarthy, T., Morrison, B. R., Mynard, J., Navarro, D., Takahashi, K., & Thornton, K. (2012). Creative tools that facilitate the advising process. In C. Ludwig & J. Mynard (Eds.), Autonomy in language learning: Advising in action (pp. 115-136). IATEFL.

  17. Yamashita, H., & Kato, S. (2012). The wheel of language learning: A tool to facilitate learner awareness, reflection, and action. In J. Mynard & L. Carson (Eds.), Advising in language learning: Dialogue, tools, and context (pp. 164-169). Longman.

  18. Kato, S., & Crowe, S. (2009). Can self-access courses foster autonomous language learning? Kanda University Working Papers in Language Education, 6, 221-227.

  19. Kato, S., & Carson, L. (2009). The learning behaviors of voluntary self-access learning centre users. Hiroshima Bunkyo Joshi Daigaku Kiyou, 20, 89-103.

  20. Kato, S., & Sugawara, H. (2009). Action-oriented language learning advising: A new approach to promote independent learning. The Journal of Kanda University of International Studies, 21, 455-475.



  • Mynard, J., & Kato, S. (2024, April 15). Advising and guiding: Empowering foreign language learners in and out of the classroom. Presented at the IATEFL LASIG Pre-conference Event, Brighton, UK.

  • Kato, S. (2024, December 9). Autonomy and engagement. Plenary session at the Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition (JASLA), Tokyo, Japan.

  • Kato, S. (2024, July 8). Practical advising approaches for facilitating reflection and promoting well-being. Featured workshop at the JACET Kanto Chapter on Advising in Language Learning, Tokyo, Japan.


  • Kato, S. (2023, December 9). Learner autonomy and engagement. Plenary session at the Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition (JASLA), Tokyo, Japan.

  • Kato, S. (2023, July 8). Practical advising approaches for facilitating reflection and promoting well-being. Featured workshop at the JACET Kanto Chapter on Advising in Language Learning, Tokyo, Japan.


  • Kato, S. (2022, December). Autonomy, dialogue, and reflection. Keynote speech at the 5th CEGLOC Conference (online), Autonomous and Interactive Practices in Language Learning.

  • Kato, S. (2022). Chaired the JALT Mentoring & Orientation Committee and presented at JALT Okayama Chapter.

  • Kato, S. (2022). Promoting reflective dialogue to enhance professional well-being.


  • Kato, S. (2021). Chaired the JALT Mentoring & Orientation Committee and presented at three JALT conferences.

  • Kato, S. (2021). JALT Transformative Mentoring & Coaching, JALT PAN SIG 2021.

  • Kato, S. (2021). Promoting reflective dialogue to enhance professional well-being, JALT CUE SIG 2021.

  • Kato, S. (2021). Reflective dialogue to promote professional well-being, JALT International 2021.

  • Kato, S. (2021). Professional development through life story sharing in reflective dialogue, ILA 2021.

  • Kato, S. (2021). Why, how, and what of advising in language learning 2021. Featured speaker at the IATEFL LASIG.


  • Kato, S. (2020). Why, how, and what of advising in language learning. Featured speaker at the IATEFL LASIG.

  • Kato, S., & Yamashita, H. (2020). Learner support in self-access language learning. Co-plenary at the JASAL 2020.


  • Kato, S., & Mynard, J. (2019, June). Self-access learning environments: Spaces EICA, Encuentro Internacional for promoting reflective dialogue. Co-plenary.

  • Kato, S. (2019, June & November). Reflective dialogue in teacher/advisor education. LAb forum: RILAE.


  • Kato, S. (2018). Engaging yourself in reflective dialogue. Plenary session at the SUTLF (Sojo University Teaching and Learning Forum, Nankyu JALT).

  • Kato, S. (2018). Practical advising strategies for promoting reflective dialogue. ILA 2018: Independent Learning Association in Kobe.

  • Kato, S. (2018). Enhancing professional well-being of teachers and advisors through reflective dialogue. LAb forum: RILAE.

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